Shannon R. Rios
In working with clients, Shannon develops a deep level of trust and integrity. Her focus is the optimal health and well-being of each of her clients. She deeply believes in the unique potential of every individual in the world. Her gift is a deep connection with her clients that allows her clients to reach their full potential in the world.
Shannon’s passion is partnering with individuals, organizations and families to assist them in living into their highest potential. Her life coaching focuses on the area of self-love and relationships. Her business is www.inlovewithme.com. She has produced two highly acclaimed guided meditation CDs: The Healing Journey Within: Meditations for Abundance and Love Volume I: Deserving and Volume II: Manifesting. She also has trained extensively in the area of counseling. Shannon also is a trained Kundalini yoga instructor.
She also developed her business www.healthychildrenofdivorce.com. In this capacity, she specializes in the niche area of families/children of divorce, separation and conflict. She wrote a best selling book “The 7 Fatal Mistakes Divorced and Separated Parents Make: Strategies for Raising Healthy Children of Divorce and Conflict”. She is an advocate for children and parents to live happy, healthy and peace-filled lives.
After training with the Coaches Training Institute in 2002, she started her own coaching organization in 2003 and has since been a leadership and management coach with The Human Potential Project and The Ken Blanchard Companies. See www.rioscoaching.com for further information on these programs. Shannon has served as a catalyst for change in numerous multi-national organizations, her focus has always been on using coaching and 360 degree feedback to create positive change.
Shannon holds a Masters in Psychology and a Licensure in Marriage and Family Therapy.
Her coaching and businesses exists for one reason, to assist all of us to live in our full amazing beautiful potential every moment.
“It is but a choice, each moment, each breath, to live our most powerful life.”
Shannon R. Rios