Eating Well, Living Well
Monday April 7th, 2014. Today I started the Whole30 food nutrition plan I will share below what I am eating every day to assist you in knowing you can do this too! I also want to give you ideas when you start the plan. I know that the way we eat can change our lives.
For me I realized three years ago in the midst of health issues that food affected not only my body, but my mind in a huge way.
As a female entering “those years” when our hormones begin to change, I realized that I could no longer eat what I wanted and still feel good. Sugar and carbohydrates (the most offensive being wheat) can send me into a place where I am not the best person to be around. I learned this very quickly with feedback from my husband! I also felt more mentally balanced when I cut out wheat from my diet. I cut it out for physical health reasons but realized it really helped me mentally as well. My physical health reasons were truly scary for me. I had arthritis like symptoms, memory issues and chronic fatigue symptoms. After cutting out wheat, most dairy (including milk) and taking a probiotic every single day, I felt amazingly better. You can read my whole food journey here, My husband literally thought I was nuts when I told him I was sensitive to wheat but he started to do his research and he is now a believer. Now he actually watches food more than me!
I am completely grateful that my body told me what it needed three years ago. Doctors could not figure it out and even told me “we may never find out what is wrong”, and I had a low-grade continuous fever! I found out I was truly poisoning my body with the food I was eating and now I have a passion to assist others in this journey.
I have been traveling for work and have “fallen off the wagon” in some respects so I want to completely reset my body and see how my mind responds once again. I have been a sugar addict most of my life (until recently) and it is time to fully make that change. I am also focused on my fertility and I know that having a healthy body could increase my chances in that area as well. Intention: healthy, happy child
For me, communicating with you, my readers, truly assists me in toeing the line. Thank you! I am going to share this journey with you in the hopes that you may be inspired to do the Whole30 or really decide to eliminate foods we know are not good for us. It just makes so much sense to me to NOT eat processed foods. Our bodies (especially or intestines where all the issues truly start) break down from these foods over time. If I can’t pronounce it on a label, I will not purchase that product. I see it as poison for my body. I look for “clean” ingredients.
If you want my support in your journey, please reach out. As a professional life coach for the past 12 years, I have assisted so many in achieving health through self-love and self care. Eating well is a significant part of truly loving ourselves.
Join my husband, Jonas and me in this journey if you like! I know switching to this type of nutrition plan can be SO daunting, it truly has taken me three years to figure out what I can eat that works for me. I want to share this journey with you and let you know what is possible when we feed our bodies right!
Just a note: we buy only organic and grassfed products. I know there is the concern of cost. For me, there is truly no price I can put on my health. My husband’s motto is “eat less and eat healthy”. I also really don’t eat out much at all on a plan like this which truly saves money. I would bet anyone that they truly do not spend that much more. And it is also helpful if you have a reasonably priced health food store option available like we do ( But again when I think of the cost of health care and what I will have to pay ($4,000 deductible) if I get sick, over time a bit of extra cost is worth it every time I think of it. I encourage you to think about what you can give up in your budget to eat healthy. Again, there is just no price I can truly put on my health.
Day 1:
Green Breakfast Smoothie:
- Cucumber (1/2)
- Celery (3 stalks)
- Parsley –handful
- Kale – lacinato
- Spinach – handful
- Olive Oil – 1-2 tablespoons
- Apple Cider Vinegar 1-2 tablesppons
- Dash of lemon (or lemon squeezed)
- Garlic – clove or two
This is a variation of another green smoothie I sometimes do (with what I had in the refrig today).
- 1 egg – fried
- bunch of kale with some great spices and salt, sesame seeds and coconut oil (fried in the same pan).
- Spices are Bragg Organic Sprinkle. I buy a lot of this brand:
- BunnyLov Carrots
- Sunflower Seeds
- Cashews
- Chicken and Spaghetti Squash (with olive oil).
- 3-4 Strawberries and 2 tablespoons Almond Butter
Day 2:
- 2nd half of smoothie from yesterday. Saved in a ball jar.
- Stir fry with cauliflower, kale, asparagus and mushrooms, with grassfed organic butter – kalona super natural.
- Spices: Salt, White Pepper, Garlic Salt
- Mulays Natural Mild Italian Sausage
- One hardboiled egg with salt
- 3 strawberries with a tablespoon of almond butter
- Sunflower seeds and cashews.
- Beef Burgers with avocado and onions (in the burgers).
- Spaghetti squash and Spinach (cooked with salt and white pepper, garlic salt).
Shannon R. Rios Paulsen MS LMFT ( has spent the last 12 years learning, writing, and coaching about self-love. She is a professional life coach and a licensed marriage and family therapist. She is the author of two best-selling guided meditations: The Healing Journey Within: Meditations for Abundance and Love, Volume I (Deserving) and Volume II (Manifesting) ( She also wrote the best-selling book, The 7 Fatal Mistakes Divorced and Separated Parents Make: Strategies for Raising Healthy Children of Divorce and Conflict ( Shannon lives in Denver, CO with her Swedish husband whom she met on one of her solo self-love journeys in Thailand.