Let’s Get CREATIVE this Valentine’s Day – 13 Ideas to Love You and Love Them!

Make this Valentine’s Day special for your loved one.  My advice is focus on loving yourself first and then focus on just loving your partner.  My challenge to you is to not EXPECT anything this Valentine’s Day.  Make it ALL about THEM!

13 creative valentines

1.       Hot Air Balloon Ride, Skydiving, Scuba diving Lessons – Face a fear and have fun together!

2.       Get a couples massage together to increase intimacy and romance.

3.       Buy a dozen roses and put hearts on each one with loving messages or coupons  such as “one free massage”, also include any other promises that you may want to make (about things they love)!

4.       Take your sweetheart to a place you love together or plan a trip to where you were married or fell in love.  I met my Swedish husband in Thailand so going back to Thailand would be a wonderful experience.   Give them a coupon to “Plan a Romantic Trip Together” in the next year.

Spending the Day:

1.        Focus on loving yourself, and not expecting anything, and then focus on what you can do to make your partner feel loved.  You KNOW what those things are!

2.       Surprise them by showing up at their work with flowers just to tell them you love them.

3.       Write them a note that tells them all the reasons you love them.

4.       Write a poem that shows your love.

5.       Plan a day with everything you know they will love, do not worry what they have planned for you!

6.       Make sure to take time and appreciate yourself and what you love about you.  Then take time and verbally tell your partner what they mean to you and why you are grateful they are in your life.

7.       Finish this sentence:  I am grateful for you because___________________________________

8.       Be present with them, this is truly the greatest gift to anyone.  Breathe and focus on them.  Be calm and think to yourself, “I am pure love”.  When you know you are love, you exude love and create love with your partner.

9.    Bring them breakfast in bed!  Yes, everyone loves this treat…….

See what happens when you believe you are love and just give love to your partner unconditionally.  I wish you a love-filled Valentine’s Day.  You deserve it!  Have fun!         

Shannon Rios, Life and Leadership Coach, Best- Selling Author, Meditation Writer and CEO at www.inlovewithme.com, www.healthychildrenofdivorce.com and www.rioscoaching.com .  Best-selling Author of “The 7 Fatal Mistakes Divorced and Separated Parents Make:  Strategies for Raising Healthy Children”.  Writer and Producer of to two Guided Meditation CDs “The Healing Journey Within: Meditations for Abundance and Love Volume I: Deserving and Volume II: Manifesting.  Her new book, In Love With Me: 7 Self-Love Strategies for Successful Partnerships, Parenting and Performance will be released Spring/Summer 2014. To pre-order a PDF copy, go to http://bit.ly/loveme7.