Understanding the Impact of Negativity

Along with producing many meditation CD/MP3’s, such as Meditations for Abundance and Love: Volume I Deserving and Volume II: Manifesting (available here at: http://bit.ly/meditat3), I have also written a best-selling book, The 7 Fatal Mistakes Divorced and Separated Parents Make: Strategies for Raising Healthy Children of Divorce and Conflict,  available in print or PDF  at inlovewithme.com/books,  or on Kindle through Amazon at http://amzn.to/TIRGz4. Individual chapters are also for sale on https://inlovewithme.com/books/e-book-chapters.

Here is an excerpt on understanding the impact of negativity:

parent basher






Parent Basher Quiz:

You are a parent basher if you do any of the following:

 I sometimes say negative things to my child about their other parent.

 I sometimes get frustrated, verbally or non-verbally, in front of my child when my child’s other parent does or says something that I do not like.

 I sometimes say negative things in front of my child about their other parent’s new partner.

 I talk negatively to my friends and relatives on the phone about my child’s other parent when my child is present (even if my child is in the other room as children have an ability to pick up on this).

 I quiz my child for anything negative that may have happened while they were in their other parent’s care.

To read the rest of the quiz – purchase Ebook Chapter 2: The Parent Basher: Saying Negative Things About Your Child’s Other Parent or Guardian here: https://inlovewithme.com/books/e-book-chapters

Shannon R Rios MS is a successful Life Coach and Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist. She coaches parents as a life coach through her life coaching business www.inlovewithme.com so that parents can move forward and create healthy lives and relationships with themselves, their children and others. She is also the founder of www.healthychildrenofdivorce.com

If you enjoyed this article, her best selling book on parenting after divorce and healing after divorce is The 7 Fatal Mistakes Divorced and Separated Parents Make: Strategies for Raising Healthy Children of Divorce and Conflict and can be found here: https://inlovewithme.com/books